Well, I don't actually know what to say. All I know is that we're a gaming clan who doesn't know much about themselves at the moment.

Sunday 18 September 2011


Hello. I have just found out my dad's blog has glitched up and became wrong, so I'm going to have to try and figure out how to fix it some day. Anyway, out of ''doom and gloom topic,'' and to more cheerful mode. I will soon be releasing the base. That means it will be pretty good. I might be getting Minecraft soon, who knows, and I might just be updating the blog a lot too.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Starting off

                                                               The Slingshot Bandits
Ok, hi. You might know something about the slingshot bandits already.        (yeah, these facts are both gems.)
  1. It is a clan, yes.
  2. We use slingshots.
If you don't, please don't hesitate, but thats not supposed to happen. Anyway, The Slingshot Bandits is quite a fun clan. Yeah, more facts.
  1. We all have a Tool Of Truth. A Tool Of Truth is a [insert your awesome tool here] of truth. We use them before battle.
  2. We're both clans on Steam, Blockland, and Roblox. (Also in real life, but thats only roleplay.)
So you know how to start off now.